Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Overdue update!

Sorry its been so long since my last post. It's been crazy busy in the Suph household. I'll fill you in on a few things!
At work I (Bri) was involved in our Christmas collections we did. We as a dealership collected canned goods for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank and we also collected Toys for kids that were in need.
For our Food collection we collected 110 lbs of canned food,

 300 lbs on turkeys, and we collected $313.29 from the bake sale we did!

We also did a toy drive. We dropped them off at the Fire House off of Hard Road in Dublin.

Joe also won a gift card contest at work.

Then after that we had Christmas and that was busy as it is. We didn't get to see every person that we wanted to and trust me, we feel bad. 

Christmas was pretty good. We got to spend time with my dad and his new wife Dana on Christmas Eve and  Clara and the girls were there too. 

 They are best friends!

 For Joe, it was an office Themed Christmas

We got Mackenzie coloring supplies. We got to celebrate Christmas with Clara and the girls on New Years day.
 Uncle Joe making words for Abby on the Fridge!

We also went to Joe's Aunt Linda's house for Christmas over there. It was great seeing everyone there.
Then we went to Bri's Aunt Shellie's house for Christmas for Bri's moms side. It was great to get together with family.

Then we got to go to Grandma Rita's (Bri's Grandma) to see both of the new babies together. It was kind of like a New Years get together. It was great to get to see the babies together.

So over all we are doing good.

Stay tuned, we will be starting a Gluten Free Blog soon. Bri has started back up on the Gluten Free Diet because we feel that it helps a lot of how she feels. That blog will be about the foods that I prepare and how!

Also, Bri will be starting a blog on her photography. She is actually doing an Engagement shoot this weekend.