When you find truth in Christ, that's when you find comfort.
Are you burning with a fire and a passion for Christ behind cloed doors?
Worship is not a church service or an event, its a lifestyle.
You were born to be a worshiper.
Your unadulterated worship is your praise to him. Its your only offering to Him. You have free will to worship him.
The Holy Spirit is a guest in us. We need to make him feel welcome. We need to honor him.
Psalms 100:4 NLT
Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.
Br careful of your fears because you will begin to worship your fears. You will be so focused on those fears that you won't be able to focus on anything else. Take your eyes off those fears and focus on the Lord.
When you make yourself vulnerable to Him, that is when your relationship with God becomes super intimate.
Your worship in the midst of a battle will defeat the enemy. We need to rejoice in Him even though its hard.
Worship with an excellence in your heart.
Is your heart behind your talent HE has given you.
Be so in love with Christ that you can't contain it.
If you only had ten minutes to pray eight of them should be worship.